• Greece On Demand

George Katakalidis, CEO of Daphne's Greek Cafes USA

George Katakalidis, CEO of Daphne's Greek Cafes USA

George Katakalidis, CEO of Daphne's Greek Cafes USA (c) with CelebrateGreece.com's Cynthia Daddona & Dr. James Stathis. They attended the premiere of the documentary The Promise of Tomorrow: 1940-1960, the second installment in a trilogy of documentaries documenting the Greek-Americans of Southern California. The premiere was held at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (Oscars) in Beverly Hills. Daphne's Greek Cafe was the major donor for the documentary.

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I'm here in Cyprus representing the United States and I am accredited as Ambassador to the Republic of Cyprus. The Republic of Cyprus is essentially the Greek Cypriot portion of the island and that Republic of Cyprus is recognized by all of the members of the United Nations with the exception of Turkey. Turkey has recognized a government which has been established in the north of the island which is called the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus and Turkey has their Ambassador in the north. No other Ambassador is resident there except the Turkish Ambassador.
Galen L. Stone (quote from our documentary Cyprus: South Side)
United States Ambassador to Cyprus, 1978-1981